Bringing whole child learning to life
At Toddler’s Elite, we have designed our own approach to teaching & learning inspired by global best practices. Children are active participants in their learning and are provided with engaging opportunities to co-construct knowledge and express their ideas and thoughts.
Learning through play-based inquiry
Play is a means to early learning that capitalizes on children’s natural curiosity and exuberance.
We believe that children learn best when they can inquire into areas of their interest through meaningful interactions with adults and peers. Engaging young children through play-based inquiry helps create a natural love for learning in them. At Toddler’s Elite, educators embed opportunities for learning through play - indoors and outdoors, through structured and unstructured play. Play helps children build strong communication skills, self regulation, social skills, persistence, creativity and problem-solving skills.
Rich literacy and math experiences
Language development, literacy, and mathematical skills are foundational to a child’s growth and success in life.
They are more so important in today’s world that is driven by collaboration, communication, science and technology. At Toddler’s Elite, we have moved away from methods involving rote learning for developing these skills. Instead our literacy and math programs are integrated in all aspects of a child’s time in the school, all throughout the day. We have dedicated Math and Literacy time in the day for problem-solving and math-based inquiry and developing phonics, reading and speaking skills.
Making thinking and learning visible
Young children’s understanding is apparent in what they say, what they do, and what they depict.
Therefore educators at Toddler’s Elite constantly strive towards encouraging children to express, share, and perform their understanding. They document information about children’s learning through notes, photos, video and voice recordings, and interactions with children. Educators put together Learning Stories, which are rich records of children and their understandings, as observed by educators, throughout the school time.
Building responsive relationships
We believe learning takes place in the context of relationships. When relationships are supportive, children are able to demonstrate their intelligence, creativity, and problem solving abilities.
It is the role of the educator to facilitate positive relationships between the adults and children involved in the classroom. Our educators focus on creating supportive social structures that underlie every interaction and learning experience at Toddler’s Elite. These supportive social structures reduce problem behavior and create conditions for competent behavior in children.